For my own purposes Bernd’s code folding solution is practically essential when working with long scripts because with one keystroke I can collapse all handlers and focus only those I care about at that point. And it can be set to group handlers and expand/collapse arbitrary code, I personally wouldn’t manually colourise code, but that’s just me. Maybe this works for others and whatever works is good
Not sure how feasible it is, but what I would find useful is a VSCode feature: highlighting a word such as a handler or variable name highlights every instance of that same word in the script. In complex long scripts that can be a life saver (or at least a sanity saver!)
Not sure how feasible it is, but what I would find useful is a VSCode feature: highlighting a word such as a handler or variable name highlights every instance of that same word in the script. In complex long scripts that can be a life saver (or at least a sanity saver!)
Statistics: Posted by stam — Tue Jul 23, 2024 9:31 pm