Hello everyone,
Good day.
Can you help me how to create a auto complete in a search field? I created one but it's not auto complete.
here's my code my problem in this code is when I type the first letter it will prompt found customer name hope you can help revise my code thanks.
Good day.
Can you help me how to create a auto complete in a search field? I created one but it's not auto complete.
here's my code my problem in this code is when I type the first letter it will prompt found customer name hope you can help revise my code thanks.
on mouseUp tbutton local tFindName if tbutton <> 1 then exit mouseup else if fld "findName" is empty then Answer "Please type the name of the customer" else put fld "findName" into tFindName dispatch "FindLine" to grp "dgSBCustList" of cd "cd_SBCustOrders" of stack "SBCustOrders" with "cName", tFindName put the result into tLineNumber if tLineNumber is 0 then beep answer error "No customer name found!" else beep answer info "Customer Name found its in the line" && tLineNumber && "of the datagrid!" set the dghilitedlines of grp "dgSBCustList" of cd "cd_SBCustOrders" of stack "SBCustOrders" to tLineNumber --set the dghilitedlines of grp "dgSBCustList" of cd "cd_SBCustOrders" of stack "SBCustOrders" to (the num of lines of tLineNumber) end if end if end ifend mouseUP
Statistics: Posted by lemodizon — Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:12 am